Summary Info for Postal Code M3J 1L6

North York (Northwood Park / York University), ON

Local Business Map - Restaurants

  • Are you looking for more restaurant / food recommendations?
  • A phone number for one of the restaurants listed here?
  • Or maybe you're not hungry at all and you're looking for a local business.

No problem! The Local Business Map is powered by Google and is constantly update with local business info from across Canada!

Today's Deals

Courtesy of Groupon

For more deals, please visit the Deals section on the left hand side of this page. Yipit in particular consolidates and offers deals from several hundred different deal sites, so be sure to check out the Yipit Deals!

North York (Northwood Park / York University) by the Numbers

Population (2011)
Population (2006)
National Population Rank (2011)
National Population Rank (2011)
Land Area (sq. km)
Population Density

Detailed North York (Northwood Park / York University) Statistics

Detailed statistics are available in the city statistics page.

* - Contains data licenced "as is" under the Government of Canada Open Data Licence Agreement. Such licencing does not constitute an endorsement by the Government of Canada of this product.


Courtesy of Career Builder

Several job listings are available from multiple job sites. For more information, see the Local Jobs page.

M3J 1L6 Information